"Inside Out 2": Emotions and Lessons for the Modern Workplace
"Inside Out 2," the much-anticipated sequel to Pixar Animation Studios and The Walt Disney Company's beloved film, provides an insightful exploration of human emotions that is both entertaining and deeply relatable. As I watched the movie, I found myself drawing parallels between the characters and the emotions we navigate in our professional lives. Here, I share my thoughts on how each character from the inspiring movie can reflect our experiences in today's modern workplace and the valuable lessons we can apply in our daily lives. Enjoy the read!
Navigating Pride Month in Education: Insights from David Harris
As schools across the country seek to celebrate Pride Month, the challenge of addressing LGBTQ+ topics in educational settings remains a significant concern for many educators. In the latest episode of “Meaningful: Marketing, Mentoring, Mattering”, we had the privilege of hosting David Harris, a seasoned educator with a remarkable background in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). His insights into how teachers and schools can effectively engage in discussions about Pride Month are invaluable for anyone in the education sector.
Embracing Meaningful Mentorship in Academia: Conversation with Jayeel Cornelio
In a recent episode of my podcast, I had the privilege of engaging in a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Jayeel Cornelio, a distinguished professor of development studies and an expert on the intersection of religion and politics in the Philippines. This discussion not only illuminated Dr. Cornelio's personal journey through academia but also offered invaluable insights into the broader dynamics of mentorship, representation, and the necessity of addressing internal hierarchies within minority communities.
A Deeply Personal AAPI Heritage Month: Journey from the Philippines to Freedom and Acceptance
Sharing a deeply personal take on why AAPI Heritage Month matters. For a mid-forty first generation immigrant, it is a journey towards freedom and acceptance. Beyond meaningful representation and professional recognition, it is life and identity in its purest and most basic form. Today, having a voice in marginalized subsets is a privilege. Hopefully, it will be a birth right for all... someday!
Empowering Voices: My Conversation with Vinda Souza on Leadership and Career Resilience
In a recent episode of my podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Vinda Souza, the Chief Marketing Officer at RefAssured. We dove into her journey as a global citizen, her role in championing diversity, equity, and inclusion, and her personal experiences with discrimination and resilience.