Using Social Media For "Good"

5 Meaningful Lessons from Daniel Francavilla, Partner at King Street Media and Founder of The Good Growth Company

1 - YOUR ENVISIONED OUTCOME IS YOUR "WHY". It's totally fine not to immediately know the "how", as long as your sincere and authentic "why" is clear. You don't step into a process because you need to, you embark on a discovery journey because of an endgame.

2 - LEARN FROM PEOPLE FEW STEPS AHEAD OF YOU. Hearing it from "everyday people" makes the dream attainable. It's great to look up to huge, inspiring personalities who've done it, but learning from folks close to your circle makes the achievement of a goal an arm's reach and not overwhelmingly elusive.

3 - GREAT MENTORS SHOW POSSIBILITIES. Mentoring is different from managing, directing and teaching. "Steps" and "how-to's" are not part of its effective and autonomous learning dynamics. Mentees need to reflect, discern and decide how they will take takeaways and apply them in their growth process.

4 - MARKETING TRENDS COME AND GO, BRAND PURPOSE ALWAYS STAYS. The media landscape, consumer engagement platforms and paths-to-purchase may continuously evolve. Yet, brands built with real purpose and value intention will endure the test of time, brave any temporary "on trend" disruption and thrive infinitely.

5 - REAL IMPACT CAN'T BE COUNTED, IT IS FELT. At this day and age of analytics where everything can be tracked and measured with numbers, let's remember that those that truly matter existentially cannot be quantified.

Hear the details of his success story from the episode of "Meaningful: Marketing, Mentoring, Mattering". Podcast link here.


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